Due to the holistic nature of philosophy, it is difficult to choose the path to follow: "I will write about X, which leads to Y, which leads to Z." Because there are many things that are prerequisite for other things: "After Y I will write about Z, but C is a prerequisite for Z, too... I guess I'll put that before Y." As I write and research each specific post, I take the things that apply to other posts and fill them in. Once something has enough material to write a post about, I clean it up, finalize the outline, record the audio, write the transcript and post it.
Suggestions for posts, comments regarding ideas on this list, comments in general are greatly appreciated. Yes, I have a real post that is just about ready to be published, I just need some quiet time in my apartment to do some more audio work, which is hard to come by with three little girls. It will be up ASAP.